Molecular analysis of pericardial fluid: A 7-year experience 心包积液的分子学分析:7年经验
Treatment of pericardial fluid collection under the guidance of ultrasound B超引导穿刺治疗心包积液
Methods Nine patients with traumatic pericardial tamponade underwent ultrasound-guided catheterization from March 1998 to September 2003. After the drawing-off of fluid, the catheter was remained in the pericardium to drain the blood. 方法1998年3月~2003年9月,我们对9例创伤性心包压塞在超声引导下穿刺积血心包,置入导管,通过导管抽出心包积血,然后及时引流心包内出血。
Conclusion Ultrasonography-guided treatment provides a safe and effective means for performing pericardiocentesis. Treatment of pericardial fluid collection under the guidance of ultrasound 结论超声引导下心包积液穿刺及置管引流安全、准确、有效,有较高临床应用价值。B超引导穿刺治疗心包积液
Objective To study the changes of C-type natriuretic peptide ( CNP), neuropeptide Y ( NPY) and calcitonin gene-related peptide ( CGRP) contents in blood and pericardial effusion fluid of patients with hydropericardium as well as the clinical meanings. 目的:为探讨C型利钠多肽(CNP)、神经肽Y(NPY)、降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)在心包积液时的变化及其作用。
Measurement of Plasma and Pericardial Fluid Adrenomedullin Concentrations in Patients with Pericarditis with Effusion 渗出性心包炎患者血浆和心包液中AM浓度的测定
Livers and kidneys were obviously enlarged, colors of spleen were deeper slightly and congested and pericardial fluid increased in pathological anatomy. 病理解剖观察发现,肝肾有明显肿大,脾脏肿胀且颜色略有加深,淤血,心脏的心包液增多。
Radioimmunoassay showed that the pericardial fluid in the pericardial cavity contains atrial natriuretic peptide, and which is to show physiological or pathological changes in the content of circumstances. 放射免疫分析表明,心包腔的心包液中含有心房肽,并且呈现生理或病理情况下的含量变化。
It is lack of morphological evidence for the origin and destination of ANP in pericardial fluid, and not very clear for its releasing and normal forms of transport. 对于心包液中心房肽的来源和去向,尚缺乏形态学方面的证据;关于心房肽的释放形式和正常转运途径,目前仍不十分清楚。